By submitting this form, I declare that all the information I have provided is true, accurate, and correct in each and every particular. I understand that providing false or misleading information is a criminal offence. I confirm that I am the legal owner of the Driver’s License or Proof of Age card submitted with this application and I authorise Smartstop to make enquiries to third parties in order to verify and assess the identity information I have submitted. I understand that all information I have provided is confidential and will only be used by Smartstop in accordance with its Privacy Policy which I have read and understand. I understand that nicotine is an addictive substance with potentially harmful effects to users or bystanders, and its short or long term effects are largely unknown. I am aware that there are no nicotine vaping products registered or approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. I accept that the risks of using nicotine and will keep any nicotine products out of reach of children and adolescents to prevent accidental poisoning. I acknowledge that a doctor may, based on the information I have provided, choose not to prescribe me with a nicotine vaping product if the doctor considers that such a treatment would be inappropriate based on my personal circumstances. I confirm that I will inform my doctor of any changes to my circumstances (e.g. change of contact details), and have read and understood Smartstop’s terms and conditions and shipping and returns policy.
Please note: Nicotine Vaping Products are not first-line smoking cessation treatments. If you have not discussed with your GP or pharmacist and trialled approved medications/pharmacotherapy, you are not eligible for a prescription. Going 'cold turkey' or reducing cigarettes is not an 'approved pharmacotherapy'